2Ch,8 Bit,250 MHz,500 MS/s,PCI Express x1, Digitizer, M3i.2122-Exp
The M3i.21xx Express series offers 4 different versions ranging from 250 MS/s up to 1 GS/s with one or two channels. The powerful analog section has been designed for highest bandwidth together with best signal quality and a versatile highly configurable amplifier section. An extremely low dead time between segments in Multiple Recording mode specifies this card for fast repeating signals like LDA/PDA, RADAR or Ultrasound applications.
In contrast to the parallel PCI buses PCI Express slots contain serial point to point connections. Each connection pair (lane) is able to reach a burst connection speed of 250 MBytes/s. The Spectrum PCI Express cards base on the most commonly used x1 lane slot type. One advantage of the PCI Express technology is the direct connection of each slot allowing a full transfer bandwidth for each single card. On the software side there is no difference between PCI/PCI-X or PCI Express. PCI Express is the bus standard for PC based systems for the next couple of years. Today's State-of-the-art motherboards normally have a couple of PCI Express slots but only one or two PCI-X slots. Spectrum's PCI Express x1 cards can be used in any standard PCI Express slot be it x1, x4, x8 or x16. Only some dedicated PCI Express graphics slots may not work.
Platform | PCI Express x1 |
Analog-In | 2 |
Digital-In | 0 |
Resolution | 8 Bit |
Samplerate (Max) | 500 MS/s |
Bandwidth | 250 MHz |
Input Ranges | +/-50 mV to +/-10 V |
Impedance | 50 Ohm / 1 MOhm |
Coupling | AC/DC |
Input Type | SE |
User Offset | +/-100% |
Memory (Max) | 512 MS (2 GS) |
Brand | Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH |