4Ch,14 Bit,250 MHz,500 MS/s,PCI Express x8, Digitizer, M4i.4451-x8

The 6 models of the M4i.44xx-x8 Express series are designed for the fast and high quality data acquisition. Each of the input channels has its own A/D converter and its own programmable input amplifier. This allows the recording of signals simultaneously on all channels with 14 bit or 16 bit resolution without any phase delay between them. The card uses only one A/D converter even when running with 500 MS/s, guaranteeing best signal quality without any interleaving technology. The extremely large on-board memory allows long time recording even with the highest sampling rates.

In contrast to the parallel PCI buses PCI Express slots contain serial point to point connections. Each connection pair (lane) is able to reach a burst connection speed of 250 MB/s (Gen 1) or 500 MB/s (Gen2). The fast streaming cards from Spectrum with PCI Express x8 Gen 2 interface need a physical connector of x8 or x16. The card interface can adopt to any electrical PCI Express interface, be it x1, x4, x8 or x16 with any PCI Express generation. One advantage of the PCI Express technology is the direct connection of each slot allowing a full transfer bandwidth for each single card. PCI Express is the bus standard for PC based systems for the next couple of years. Today's State-of-the-art motherboards normally have a couple of PCI Express slots but only one or two PCI-X slots. Server and industrial motherboards as well as high performance cosumer motherboards offer normally PCI Express x8 slots.

  • 4Ch,14 Bit,250 MHz,500 MS/s,PCI Express x8, Digitizer
  • Export control free version
  • Simultaneously sampling on all channels
  • Separate ADC and amplifier per channel
  • Up to 3 synchronous digital channels with multi-purpose I/O
  • 2 GSample on-board memory as standard
  • 6 input ranges: +/-200 mV up to +/-10 V
  • Window, re-arm, OR/AND trigger
  • Synchronization of up to 8 cards
  • PCI Express x8 Gen2 Interface
  • Works with x8/x16 PCIe Gen1 to Gen3 slots
  • Sustained streaming speed card to PC up to 3.4 GB/s
  • Sustained streaming speed PC to card up to 2.8 GB/s
  • Direct data transfer to / from CUDA GPU using SCAPP
Platform PCI Express x8
Analog-In 4
Digital-In 3
Resolution 14 Bit
Samplerate (Max) 500 MS/s
Bandwidth 250 MHz
Input Ranges +/-200 mV to +/-10 V
Impedance 50 Ohm / 1 MOhm
Coupling AC/DC
Input Type SE
User Offset Not Available
Memory (Max) 2 GS
Brand Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH

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